Why Kenya Coffee?

June 19, 2017

Why Kenya Coffee?

Kenya grows some of the best coffee in the world, most notably, high quality ‘Kenya AA’.  ‘Kenya AA’ is one of the most sought-after coffees in the world.  Most of the coffee is produced in Central Kenya which lies on the slopes of Mt. Kenya.  The red volcanic soils, high altitudes, cool temperatures and optimum balance of rainfall and sunlight provide excellent coffee growing conditions.  Kenya coffee is renowned for its pleasant aroma, rich fruity flavor with citrus and berry overtones and a wine-like aftertaste. 

Have you had the pleasure of experiencing ‘Kenya AA’ coffee yet? 

Most people who have experienced it, remember it and enjoy it thoroughly.  Every coffee lover should experience it at least once.  Our goal at Chiru Coffee is to make this coffee accessible to you.

Kenya Coffee Production

About 70% of the coffee in Kenya is produced by small-scale farmers on family farms.  They process and market their coffee through factories and cooperative societies.  The farmers produce the coffee as a cash crop to provide income for their families—a lot of these farmers rely on these coffee sales for the financial sustenance of their families—it is their sole means to meet their children’s educational needs as well as to meet other family financial obligations. 

Growing and producing great coffee is labor intensive and time-consuming.  It is usually a family affair where all the family members get involved.  It is truly a labor of love—love in a cup.   Usually, these coffee farms have been passed down the family for several generations.  Some date as far back as the 1950's when there was a transfer of coffee production from the British to the Kenyans.  A lot of effort is put into research and development to ensure consistently high-quality coffee production.

Kenya Coffee Sourcing and Traceability

At Chiru Coffee, we source our coffee directly from the farmers to ensure rightful compensation and continued production of high-quality coffee that our customers can enjoy.  All our coffees are of single origin and not blended, leading to coffees that can be easily traced back to the original farmer-growers.  This ensures continued focus on quality, year after year, as well as support for our farmers and our customers.  When you choose our coffee, you can feel good about where your money is going.

If you have previously found yourself with a cup of Kenya coffee and would like to have another taste of its deliciousness, or if you have not yet had the chance to experience it, we would be honored to share our coffee with you.  It is also our pleasure to share the coffee bean journey with you and show you how your coffee got in your cup!

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